Need some professional rooftops help?
WHY Johnyy go!

Provádíme kompletní střechy na klíč – šikmé, ploché i panelové domy, také menší opravy, okapový systém a montáže střešních oken. Pracujeme se všemi střešními krytinami na trhu. Vypracujeme nezávaznou cenovou nabídku a poradíme s výběrem krytiny.

Spokojený zákazník je u nás vždy na prvním místě. Toho dosahujeme kvalitně odvedenou prací a pravidelnou komunikací.

Celý náš tým je poskládán z odborníků ve svém oboru. Své zkušenosti stále rozšiřujeme, abychom stály vytvářeli lepší střechy.

Na všechen námi poskytovaný servis nabízíme nadstandartní záruku až 6 let. To vám jen tak nějaká společnost nenabídne.
Always Available
We accept requests and phone calls 24/7 so you could resolve any problem whenever you need. Our emergency team will be at your place...
Always Available
We accept requests and phone calls 24/7 so you could resolve any problem whenever you need. Our emergency team will be at your place...
Qualified Agents
All our team members are high-qualified, educated and skilled agents. All of them are being trained according to the latest technologies.
Qualified Agents
All our team members are high-qualified, educated and skilled agents. All of them are being trained according to the latest technologies.
Fair Prices
Our prices are both fair and affordable for all people. We offer flexible discount system so you could use any service you need.
Fair Prices
Our prices are both fair and affordable for all people. We offer flexible discount system so you could use any service you need.
Best Offers
We provide discounts on the most popular services and on the season services, so you could definitely receive any help without delay.
Best Offers
We provide discounts on the most popular services and on the season services, so you could definitely receive any help without delay.
Our Services
We provide services in all kinds of household work: from minor repairs to welding and landscaping
Rely on our team and enjoy the time!
Our Team
Experienced and skilled repairmen will free you from many problems! You’ll definitely will be pleased with the result as we guarantee the best service!
Jim Harris
Jim has over 10 years of experience working as an electrician here. Jim knows about plumbing everything and even more!
Tom Allen
Tom knows about plumbing everything and even more! He successfully completed apprenticeship program and got a plumber license in 2003.
Adam Scott
Adam works as a painter for 4 years. He works with paint very delicate. Adam knows about everything and even
Ben Cooper
Ben motto is “cleanliness is next to godliness”. He works here since 2010. Ben knows about everything and even
Jake Bill
Jake is in charge of landscaping. He knows how to deal with the lawn, flowers, shrubs, etc. Jake knows about
David Anderson
If you have any issues with the roof, David has a great experience and knowledge at rooftops. David knows about